Monday, November 10, 2008

My Bucket List

In my Composition I teacher told us to make a Bucket List for a quiz grade so I did. These are 10 things I plan to achieve before I die, or kick the bucket.

1. Move to Spain
2. Graduate college, majoring in Journalism and Creative Writing.
3. Create my own popular magazine
4. Become a successful author and journalist
5. Start a semi successful touring music band
6. Open a music venue
7. Adopt at least one child
8. Learn as many languages (fluently) as possible.
9. Learn as many instruments as possible.
10. Become Vegan and stay that way.

1 comment:

MJ said...

3&4 are together
5 is fulfilled by my latest blog.

your list is obtainable. :-) I bet you can reach some of those goals within the next 10 years and have to add some new ones on.